Sunday 11 September 2016

Beyond the Pillars of Heracles - The Lands of the Aquarians

In the writings of Pontifex the priest about "The Odyssey of the Aquarians" we find this map which is titled "The Lands of the Aquarians".

A map of "The Lands of the Aquarians".

Pontifex the priest also offers a legend of the symbols he used when drawing the map.

A legend of map symbols used by Pontifex the priest.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

About the Harpies of the Islands of Aquarius

Aquarians attacked by a flock of harpies.

From the writings of Pontifex the priest about the Harpies of the Islands of Aquarius:

"And those are known as the Harpies of the islands. Half birds, half witch-women. They live on the wild mountain tops of the Islands of Aquarius. And they rule the skies over the islands With their dreadfull chantings they charm both men and animals to descend on them and to feed themselves on their flesh and blood. They represent the baneful. And they also represent the storms and malign winds.

Once in a year Kelaino, the harpy, comes from the far west. Kelaino who once met Aeneus on the Strofades. Then she flies to Aquarius. And she lies with him. This is Aquarius' punishment. The punishment given him by Zeus for his disobedience once in the Bronzen Age of Men.

This is the punishment for the Sons of Aquarius too. As there is one single egg coming from the joining every year. And from this egg another daughter of Kelaino arises every year. Joining their sisters in the skies.

Often men don't see them for many years. But at times they come down from their mountain ranges in great number."

Tuesday 14 April 2015

The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 4 - The Coast

The surviving Aquarians

From the writings of Pontifex the priest about the mythos of "The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 4 - The Coast":

"How many brave men Poseidon has taken to himself,
mourned by those who are led to this foreign coast,

their ​​feet now touch for the first time.

Where they are, no one can say, because no wise man has
survived storms wrath and the number of men has decreased

on only one of five brave and few enough in number.

And Spirios is standing there and breathes, remembers the Nereids
tears, but does not see, that the wheel of fate continues

to rotate and not all tests have yet been passed.

On this hard and stony coast they stand and look
on this stange and empty wide country, until they dare to go

and search their destiny's path."

Monday 13 April 2015

The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 3 - The Storm

Where the proud ship breaks...

From the writings of Pontifex the priest about the mythos of "The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 3 - The Storm":

"And when they see the sons of Hellas green land far away
on the horizon then suddenly wide realm of Poseidon rises and falls
and wind comes up, worse even than Melissanars' heavy spear.

It pulls the wind on cable and rope, and they tear apart,
it pulls the wind on wood and iron, and it breaks,
and the ship bends and bows to the gods power.

And at the ship's helm stands steadfast just the captain,
Spirios from Spiro Spiro, bearing the name of his king,
holding the steerin wheel with iron hands and holds the course.

But an iron will grants no help against destiny's path and
Gods will and ship's hull breaks thundering apart,
sendig the sons of Aquarius into the cold flood."

Sunday 12 April 2015

The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 2 - The Omen

The shore of Saganakia

From the writings of Pontifex the priest about the mythos of "The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 2 - The Omen":
"But even as the ship leaves port, it
darkens the sun face despite noon hour,

that those men, in spite of the rudder heavy burden, freeze.

And already has the ship's proud bow los sight to the coast,
since awakenes from foam's crown Aquaria, the shores Nymph,

and weeping for her sons hard burden.
And they, the men, who see the tears of beautiful Nymph
and Nereids know that the path that they set foot on,
at the end will be a gloomy one for so many.
But they find new courage when the gloomy veil is lifting and
the sun's shining captures the proud ship and slides on it

upon the Hellenes blue waters and shores."

Saturday 11 April 2015

The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 1 - The Departure

From the writings of Pontifex the priest...

From the writings of Pontifex the priest about the mythos of "The Odyssey of the Aquarians Part 1 - The Departure":

"From Saganakia they sail, the sons of Aquarius,
to the east with the winds to the shores,

where their fathers of fathers set feet upon some day.

According to the old traditions they thought to the gods, immortals,
and give their share for the save ride and

lucky homecoming generously donated.

Poseidon asking for the happy journey through his
wide empire and Hermes begging for skill and luck

in exchange of the rich gifts of fine native soil.

But oh, what direst fate looms those good men,
taking on their shoulders the long journey far away from

home, hearth and wife and the kindly golden sun."